Energy Saving Tips
Energy Saving Tips

30 Energy-Saving Tips to Avoid Spending Lots of Money

Conserving precious energy can do a lot for the environment and its many creatures. It can do a lot for your finances as well. If you’re interested in saving valuable energy while simultaneously slashing your household costs, there are realistic options out there for you. These energy-saving tips can transform your life without putting a huge dent into your bank account.

1. Utilize a Microwave Oven

If you can, heat snacks and meals with the assistance of your microwave oven. Thanks to their compact size, microwave ovens tend to be more efficient than other home appliances.

2. Engage in Energy-Saving by Picking the Slow Route

Slow cooker use can go a long way for individuals who care about energy conservation, as they don’t call for as much energy consumption.

3. Think About Water

If you’re boiling anything, then refrain from overusing water. By adding unnecessary H20, you may squander a significant amount of energy.

4. Reduce Your Thermostat Setting

If you want to lessen your monthly heating expenses, reducing your thermostat setting can work. Put it down to just 55 degrees or so.

5. Improve Energy-Saving by Relying on Fans

Energy conservation is all about being resourceful. Relying on fans for cooling purposes can go a great length.

6. Look for Radiator or Vent Obstructions

You should check your radiators and vents to see to it that they do not have any obstructions. Furnishings and floor coverings can obstruct these things, preventing air from moving easily and leading to serious furnace overexertion.

7. Close Up Your Chimney Flue

Get on the path to superior energy efficiency by closing up your chimney flue whenever you’re not utilizing it. If you want to stop warm air from getting out, this can be an excellent practice.

8. Concentrate on Pan Size

Think about your approach to cooking. Concentrate on the pan sizes you select, too. Overly big pans can often squander energy. The last thing you want is to overheat.

9. Clean Your Heating Rings Thoroughly

It’s critical to prioritize the cleanliness of your heating rings. If your heating rings have food pieces clinging to them, you may have a significant problem. Lingering food can soak up heat and lessen efficiency dramatically.

10. Go for Ovens With Fans

Purchase convection or fan-assisted oven. These ovens can manage your heat circulation requirements. If you’re looking to reduce heat levels, these ovens can help.

11. Become an Air-Drying Fan

You don’t have to assume that your dryer is a necessity. If you want to conserve energy, you can start air-drying your clothing items and linens. Tumble-drying is a lot costlier, too. Air-drying can come in handy in times of intense winds or warmth.

12. Remove Your Clothing Items and Linens Prematurely

Don’t wait until your apparel and linens are fully dry to extract them from your dryer and instead remove them when they’re still a bit damp. Doing so can help you iron things a lot faster. It’s also an excellent way to minimize dryer energy consumption.

13. Get a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats can enable you to assess gas consumption. They can help you with any necessary tweaks, too.

14. Update Your Existing Gas Appliances

Try to get your hands on contemporary gas appliances that are a lot more energy-efficient. These kinds of options abound nowadays.

15. Go for Smart Meter Installation

Smart meter installation can help you pinpoint any energy consumption issues you may have.

16. Close Your Doors

If you’re not occupying a room, you should take a second to close its doors. Shut the vent as well.

17. Concentrate on Windows

You can keep the escaping of heat at bay by concentrating on windows. Open shades and curtains to windows that look south in the daytime. Doing this enables heat from outdoors to get inside and dramatically increases indoor warmth.

18. Clean Your Radiators and Vents

Clean radiators and vents can considerably minimize energy-wasting.

19. Switch Out Air Filters

Air filter switching can encourage better airflow, also protecting furnaces from fatigue.

20. Get Residential Insulation

Insulation stops cold air from getting inside and warm air from getting out.

21. Close Up Leaks

Closing up leaks can save significant amounts of energy.

22. Get New Lightbulbs

Try energy-saving lightbulbs.

23. Buy Dimmer Switches

These switches can help you customize energy consumption.

24. Consider Your Defrosting Style

If you have frozen food items, defrost them at night inside of the refrigerator.

25. Say No to Oven Metal Trays

Go for ceramic or glass oven dishes, instead.

26. Close Up Heating Ducts

Ducts tend to have tiny leaks that permit heat to leave.

27. Try Heating Duct Insulation

Doing so can minimize energy wasting.

28. Try Space Heaters

Space heaters can substantially reduce energy-wasting.

29. Utilize a Humidifier

Humidifier use can lessen heating expenses.

30. Try Plastic Window Treatments

These window treatments can minimize heat escaping.

Find the best HVAC solutions for your spaces through Edwards Air, where our dedicated experts will be happy to answer all your questions. Contact us here!

Cooling Unit Energy Efficiency
Cooling Unit Energy Efficiency

The Road to Cooling Unit Energy Efficiency

Why You Should Pursue an Energy-Efficient Lifestyle

Energy efficiency is an undeniably hot topic in recent years. Taking the energy-efficient approach to life can bring all sorts of advantages. It can help you battle it out against climate change, minimize energy expenses for people all over the planet, and it can even lead to enhanced air quality and health. If you want to relish all of these things, then you can start with a conscious approach to using your cooling unit. Don’t assume that cooling your living space ever has to lead to detrimental results.

How to Boost Your Cooling Unit’s Energy Efficiency

  • If you want to get your hands on a more efficient cooling system, it can help to adjust its thermostat by only a couple of degrees. Changing temperatures anywhere in the range of five to eight degrees can lessen energy consumption, simultaneously decreasing costs.
  • Investing in a programmable thermostat can be wise. These devices can come in handy for people who are often gone all day long at work, school, or elsewhere.
  • Clean all of the sections close to the condenser unit outside. Outdoor systems are better any time they’re devoid of muck, grime, or similar. If you’re interested in a particularly comprehensive cleaning session, it may help to recruit a professional HVAC technician for the task.
  • Try your hand at insulation. Insulation can do a lot for people who don’t want cold air from their air conditioning units to escape their indoor spaces. You can enhance your cooling unit’s energy efficiency by rounding up the air it releases. Think about introducing insulation to your windows and walls. Remember, too, that outlets, ductwork, and piping can all lead to energy escape. If you want to conserve energy, you should ponder concealing these things through insulation.
  • Safeguarding airflow can be intelligent for people who want to make their cooling units a lot more energy-efficient. If you wish to do so, then you should see that your units are devoid of dust, leaves, and debris. Build-up can be bad news for cooling systems. Assess your furnishings to guarantee that they’re not obstructing ducts or vents at all. Proper airflow safeguarding can do a lot to promote optimal cooling unit energy efficiency.
  • Swapping out your air filters can do a lot for enhanced cooling unit energy efficiency. Obstructed air filters can be detrimental to energy efficiency. Clogged and filthy filters are never good, as they force equipment pieces to rely on additional power and to operate for lengthier periods. Filters can gather dust inside your HVAC system, wreaking havoc onto everything. If you want to steer clear of squandering electricity and a sluggish cooling unit, then air filter swapping can be extremely wise.
  • Make routine upkeep a top aim. Regular maintenance sessions can keep your HVAC system operating well, optimizing the energy efficiency of your unit. If you want to do something positive for your air conditioning system, you should make appointments for professional maintenance work a couple of times a year. You should aim to get expert assistance right before temperatures start to rise in the summertime. Spring maintenance work can go a long way. It’s critical to remember that routine maintenance can also decrease your expenses. If you take the time to maintain your cooling unit, you most likely won’t have to deal with high repair costs.
  • Don’t ever be too lazy to shut your electronic devices off when they’re not in use. A little bit of thought can do so much for people who want to be more energy-efficient. If you have a sizable desktop computer in your home office, switch it off any time you’re not right in front of it. If you have a massive elliptical trainer or treadmill inside your home gym, turn it off after finishing the day’s exercise sessions. Doing so can conserve valuable energy and produce less heat. If you don’t get as much heat, switching your cooling unit on as often won’t seem as appealing.

Give Your Air Conditioner Thermostat Some Attention

Slight thermostat adjustments can often come in handy for people who want to be a lot more energy-efficient. Put your thermostat on a temperature similar to the one outdoors. It’s vital to grasp that human beings generally do not detect significant temperature shifts. If you want to reap the rewards of energy-efficient air conditioning, minor adjustments can help. Thermostat adjustments can often lead to substantially decreased costs.

The team of HVAC experts is happy to answer your questions about energy-efficiency, guiding you through the process of a less expensive electricity bill. Contact us to find out more!

Air conditioner unit replacement
Air conditioner unit replacement

When Should You Consider Full Air Conditioner Replacement?

Longevity Factors to Consider Before Air Conditioner Replacement

An air conditioning system can keep you energized and cool at home during the summer months. Don’t expect your cooling unit to stay with you forever and ever, however. Just like every other home appliance, air conditioning systems have expiration dates. They typically remain dependable and functional for anywhere between 12 and 15 years. Note, though, that their lifespans can differ dramatically depending on maintenance levels. If you take the time to maintain your cooling unit well, it may last you a lot longer. If you avoid upkeeping it, it may fail comparatively rapidly. Some of the wisest cooling unit owners are the ones who invest in yearly upkeep sessions from trained and qualified HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technicians. An air conditioning tune-up can often go a long way.

Should You Invest in Air Conditioner Replacement Service?

If you’re thinking about air conditioning replacement, you should first ask yourself a couple of crucial questions. These questions are:

  • Exactly how old is my unit?
  • Does my unit fail frequently?
  • Do I spend exorbitant sums of money on professional repair services for my cooling system?

Answering these three questions honestly and thoroughly may help you determine whether you should seriously think about swapping out your unit for a brand new one.

Many indications can help you figure out if you need air conditioner replacement. Repair service from HVAC technicians can often be enough for newer units. If you have older equipment, though, repair work might not cut it at all. Take note of any clues that may point to a home air conditioner that no longer needs to be in use. If you have an air conditioner that doesn’t give you any cold air, that’s a big warning signal. If you have a unit that with feeble airflow, that’s just as big a warning signal.

Don’t act like an air conditioning system that gives off horrid, and lingering stenches is okay. It’s not. If your cooling unit makes your home smell like a nightmare zone, then you have to take action. That action most likely will involve replacement service.

If you have a cooling unit that gives off bizarre and inexplicable sounds with great regularity, then that’s not normal. Don’t tolerate a cooling system that squeals incessantly, nor one that makes weird grating sounds all the time.

Moisture accumulation is never desirable as far as air conditioning systems go. If you notice water collection anywhere close to your cooling unit, then that most likely denotes a significant issue that calls for professional assistance.

Think about how your living space feels. If you have a living room that’s always too cold, that may signify an issue. If you have an office or a bedroom that’s too hot, that may also translate to a problem.

It’s crucial to give your time to HVAC system technicians who have significant amounts of experience. They know how to troubleshoot cooling units of all varieties. They know how to fix issues that already exist. They even know how to stop pesky unit issues from becoming more and more overwhelming and out of control.

Remember that regular air conditioning maintenance sessions can often go a long way. If you want to maintain your cooling system well, then you need to look for local companies with outstanding track records and customer service policies. The advantages of investing in regular air conditioning maintenance service are genuinely plentiful. Some of them include:

  • Superior air quality indoors
  • Better relaxation levels among all of the people in your space
  • Enhanced unit longevity
  • Minimal hassles

If you want to do your day-to-day relaxation a considerable favor, then you should prioritize getting maintenance work for your cooling unit. Annual air conditioning system tune-ups can be priceless for people who like to steer clear of inconveniences. It may be in your best interest to get a tune-up for your residential cooling unit before the start of the hotter months. If you get a comprehensive cooling unit tune-up from a capable technician, you may be able to stay away from the annoyances of breakdowns and troubles in general.

For over 30 years, Edwards Air Enterprise has been committed to providing the best HVAC services in Jupiter, Florida. If you require air conditioner replacement in the area, we’re the right company for your needs. Contact us!

Ideal Air Conditioner
Ideal Air Conditioner

The Ins and Outs of Selecting the Ideal Air Conditioner for Your Residence

The perfect air conditioning system can do so much for your day-to-day lifestyle during the summer months. An air conditioner that has shortcomings, on the other hand, can lead to all sorts of headaches that you do not need. If you want to steer clear of many sources of exasperation during the summer, then you need to invest in an air conditioning system that matches your living space and preferences. Putting some time and care into the cooling unit selection process may save you a lot of unnecessary stress.

Think About the Amount of Money You Have to Spare

Air conditioning systems can be pretty expensive. There are some, though, that are markedly lower in price. If you want to pick a cooling unit that’s an appropriate fit for your residential space, then you need to think about how much money you can use for it. Costlier systems tend to come with more features. Cheaper ones tend to be more straightforward and have basic functions. If you narrow down your choices based on price, you can save yourself a lot of confusion and irritation. Central air conditioners typically cost a lot more than their portable, window, and wall counterparts do.

Consider Your Space and Limitations Before Committing to an Air Conditioner

Consider your living space and any limitations it may have. If you live in a comparatively cramped and tight apartment in the middle of the city, then you may want to invest in a compact unit. If you reside in a spacious detached home in the suburbs, the price may be no object for you. It’s critical to be as thorough as possible.

People who purchase immoderately big air conditioning units often encounter a host of issues. If you want to avoid humidity problems, then you should make size one of your primary considerations during the selection process. Big air conditioners can even bring on electrical wastes and rapid deterioration. If you have a cooling unit that advances from one cycle to the next all of the time, then it may tire out pretty swiftly.

It’s vital to ponder size at length when selecting an air conditioner unit. If you want to get accurate details that relate to the necessary dimensions, then you have to depend on a standard tape measure. It’s imperative to get the measurements for the length and width of a room. Get feet measurements for both. After you get them, you need to calculate square footage to proceed.

You should ponder any limitations stemming from your property’s structure. Various legal details may come into play, after all. You may reside in an apartment building that does not permit window cooling unit installation. You may not be able to invest in a ductless mini-split cooling unit installation, either. That’s because these units call for significant structural adjustments. Your landlord may not be okay with you doing anything permanent to the walls of your apartment unit.

Think about your specific requirements before officially selecting any cooling unit for your living space. Ask yourself if you’re irritated by the concept of substantial installation work. If you invest in a central cooling unit, then you need to recruit the help of a seasoned and adept HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technician. It’s never a healthy idea to try to install a central cooling unit on your own. It can be a waste of time and a potential danger for you. Installing a portable air conditioning unit, however, may be realistic for you. For the most part, installing these appliances is pretty rapid and straightforward

There are several other things that you have to think about before taking any action. Ask yourself if excessive amounts of sound exasperate you. If you are, then a central unit may be right up your alley. If you’re not, then you may be okay with a portable one. Portable units are generally pretty noisy.

Some people like to transport their cooling units somewhat regularly. If you plan on transporting your air conditioner from point A to point B, then you need to think about the best choices for you. The vast majority of cooling unit options are not suitable for mobility purposes. Portable ones are the sole exception. If you lead a fast-paced lifestyle, then you may want to opt for a mobile unit that doesn’t force you to have to commit to anything.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Air Conditioner Unit Varieties

You should put time into considering the pros and cons of all of the different air conditioner unit categories that are out there for you. Window units, first of all, are generally the most economical. Portable ones call for significant amounts of room. Central units do not call for the cooperation of windows. They’re impressively silent as well.

Find the perfect air conditioner for your lifestyle through Edwards Air. For over 30 years, we have served Jupiter, Florida, with state-of-the-art HVAC technology and the best professional service. Contact us!