
HVAC maintenance
HVAC maintenance

Can an HVAC Duct Spread COVID-19 in Offices, Stores and Schools?

There’s something you use every day that could be spreading COVID-19 without a second thought to anyone. Your heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems could be the culprit. In large spaces like corporate buildings, schools, and grocery stores, the air could be spreading the virus through its vents.

Moving Indoors

Excessive heat forces people indoors. This means air conditioning systems are working overtime. The cooling systems don’t allow much outdoor air to circulate through the interior. Outdoor areas and well-ventilated areas allow better airflow. There’s a debate that COVID-19 spreads through the air. It is documented that the virus is spread mainly through inhaling infected air droplets or touching contaminated surfaces.

Air Conditioning Systems

When an HVAC system is ducted, the air currents carry larger viral particles a further distance. Some systems like this simply need an upgrade. They need to be reconfigured to bring in more fresh air from outside. Fresh air means the same “old” air filled with germs isn’t recirculating through the building. This can be an issue with older air conditioning systems. It’s important to change the airflow patterns indoors to reduce transmission. This includes reducing turbulent airflow with a vertical laminar and working to ensure the air is at a steady speed.


Some people think air filters are a good solution to fresh airflow. There are only two thpes of air filters that can efficiently remove particles of a coravirus. A Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value filter and a High-Efficiency Particulate Air filter can remove almost 99.9% of the tiny particles. The problem is that there is still room for the tiniest particle to get through the filter. Ratings are assigned to MERV filters according to how accurately they are able to filter out larger particles. Most homes and commercial buildings have a rating of MERV 12 or lower. A rate of 17 is needed to potentially remove coronavirus particles.

UVC Light

Far-UVC light technology might be able to help clear virus particles out of the air in big buildings with air conditioning systems. A germicidal lamp using UVC light can kill a microorganism like the coronavirus. This technology has been around for centuries killing bacteria, yeast, viruses and mold. Researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center tested this technology on two types of coronaviruses. They used a misting device to disperse the virus into the air while the germicical lamps were used on them. Their research showed that continuous exposure to the light for 25 minutes each day killed 99.9 percent of each virus. Some people worry this type of light can harm the human body; however, far-UVC light cannot get through the tear layer of the eye or the exterior layer of the skin.

The Last Word

Using an HVAC system will not excel this virus if proper precautions are taken. Time will tell if the UVC lights will grow in popularity and help wipe out the virus inside building. It’s important to stay outside as much as possible and always practice social distancing.

dirt on air filters In air conditioners
dirt on air filters In air conditioners

Is Air Conditioning Helping Spread COVID in the South?

Coronavirus, an infectious disease attacking one’s lungs, hinders your breathing process and leads to more breathing tract complications. In the South, there has been an upsurge in COVID cases day after day. The continuous record of new infections has contributed significantly to the global rise of the coronavirus. While there are many cases still on the rise, the number of deaths has so far spiked, especially in Brazil and Mexico, the most populous countries in the South.

One of the most popular ways to regulate your house temperature is by using an air conditioner. The only problem is that scientists have found that it may be the sole reason for spreading the virus in families during this winter and summer amidst the pandemic. This is according to research done by scientists from Harvard Infectious Disease (HID). From their vast experience in studying other airborne diseases such as Tuberculosis, they suggested that the many uses of air conditioners across central and Southern America may be the primary reason for the rising cases of COVID-19.

Why Air Conditioning?

The most popular way of regulating your house or office temperature is using an air conditioner. One disadvantage of using an air conditioner during this cold period of the pandemic is that it may blow away the SARS-CoV-2 virus into people forcing them to inhale. During this period, most people spend a lot of time indoors, which has led to increased use of air conditioners in houses.

You never know when you will contract the coronavirus. However, during winter many people will prefer being close to each other at home and even in restaurants. One may touch surfaces that have the virus droplets on them or come into contact with a positive individual unknowingly.

Role of Air Conditioning in Spread of Coronavirus

During the hot summer, conditions could be similar to those in winter. Areas with high usage of the air conditioners have been proven to have an increased number of COVID-19 cases compared to other places where they don’t use them.

While there will be blurring heat in hot weather, the air conditioner will blow in dry air in the house. While in a room and an infected person exhales, the air goes up, and the air conditioner may blowback dry air into the room. A fraction of the exhaled air will be then inhaled, and it might have droplets of coronavirus, which leads to many people being infected unknowingly.

The virus is spread through droplets when an individual coughs, sneezes or while talking.

In an experiment, Chinese scientists indicated that ten out of a hundred people were infected with the coronavirus. All the diners sat on different tables directed towards the air conditioner. Small droplets of the virus were released in the atmosphere, and the HVAC was turned on to full power, which led to blowing of the tiny droplets of the virus into the restaurant making the persons inhale it at different levels.

Further tests are being done by researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University Hospital in Portland (OHSUH). The researchers carried out swabs from various HVAC systems in the hospital and later on tested the swabs for any genetic presence of the coronavirus.

Two out of Eight samples taken from the swabs tested positive. This result shows that the air conditioner might have been among the contributors to the large spikes in the COVID cases.

Effective Ways of Reducing Transmission while Indoors

When it comes to AC, it is safe to employ some of the following precautions to minimize coronavirus spread.

Since installing better HVAC systems, especially in commercial buildings, proves to be expensive, it is advisable to install HVAC units that blow in air from outside. They reduce the level of recirculation of the exhaled air in the room. It could be perfect if one is interested in heating up or cooling their homes as well as protecting you and the people around you.

Another technique that should be employed is installing airborne disease cleaners on the walls. They would also have to be fixed on the HVAC’s opening for them to kill the virus in the room and sanitize the air being blown in. When air is blown in, the currents circulate in the room to where the UV light emitter is placed making it necessary for the UV radiation to take effect on the virus present in the air and helps keep those indoors safe from COVID-19.

The sanitizers emit UV radiation that is not harmful to humans, and they are much safer compared to how the sun damages the skin. They are deemed to be one hundred per cent effective in killing germs and viruses. The germicidal units have so far proven to protect people from other airborne diseases such as TB.

The M-CADR, Machine’s Clean Air Delivery Rate, is a tool installed on your HVAC unit and can be used as an air cleaner in houses. It makes the air conditioner only operative when a sick person is around your home. The machine helps in reduction of the viral load being exhaled by the patient.

People can also ensure proper ventilation in the rooms that they reside in. This way, people can also control the amounts of air that flows in and out of their houses. The use of portable room air cleaners is also another way to control the airflow. However, air cleaners may have limited airflows.

When looking for the right air conditioner during this period in South America, start by checking reviews of each type of HVAC system available in the market and how it operates. The machines come in different styles and sizes, and one can choose their best type depending on costs or setups.

While working towards acquiring the right unit for your new home or towards replacing your old unit, one can consult those who have installed the safe units in their houses. Consulting enables you to learn the types, advantages and the drawbacks of different air conditioners.

aircon repair covide-19
aircon repair covide-19

A/C Repair During COVID-19

Finding a great AC repair company before the Coronavirus was tough. Finding on during and after it may be hard as well unless you have the right information.

Most AC repair companies have remained open due to their essential business status, but safety is still definitely a concern.

You will want to find a company that is very considerate of the times that we are in and one that is taking the necessary precautions to keep your family safe while providing great AC repair services.

Before googling, “AC repair near me”, you may want to look over the guidelines below.

1. PPE Requirements for your AC Repair Company

AC repair companies should be taking the necessary safety precautions and wearing proper PPE gear. This will give you peace of mind while they work on your unit. It will also show the quality of the company and their attention to detail.

Here are a few guidelines they should be following.

– Wearing masks

– Wearing goggles or face shields

– Wearing gloves

– Frequent use of hand sanitizer

– Following social distancing guidelines

2. Financing

A great AC repair company should be aware of the financial toll that the coronavirus has taken on its customers. Providing customers with financing options to pay for the repairs gives customers the necessary time week to recoup the money they have lost. You will want to find a company that has a variety of these payment options.

Here are a few options that should be available to you.

– Loans paid back in monthly installments

– Credit card payment options

– 0% down payment financing

3. Vetting the Company Online

In the time of COVID-19, being able to vet the AC company online is very important. Before COVID-19, you may have been able to stop by their offices and get detailed information from them. Since social distancing is so key to your safety, AC repair companies should have all the information you need listed on their site.

Here are a couple of pieces of information you should be able to find on their site.

– Where they are located

– How to contact them

– What hours they are available

– COVID-19 safety measures

– How to schedule your appointment

4. What to Do During the Visit

While your AC repair company is fixing your unit, you also have the responsibility to keep you and your family safe. The longer you are around people that are not your family and the closer contact you have with them, the better the chances are that you may contracted COVID-19.

Here are some “to-dos” to follow during the visit.

– Wear a mask

– Follow the social distancing guidelines

– Avoid any physical contact

– Keep your conversation to a minimum

– Open any windows and doors to increase the ventilation


If you are wondering “how do I stay safe while searching for AC repair near me?” the guidelines above should give you step by step process stay safe and get your unit fixed.