Swimming Pool Heaters and Typical Dilemmas
Swimming pool heaters have big jobs on their plates. If you suspect that anything is amiss with a heater that’s part of your pool, then you need to take action as soon as possible. You can take action by investing in a professional repair service from a capable and seasoned swimming pool heater technician. It can first help you to be aware of issues that routinely affect these machines, so you can detect problems before they turn into headaches.
Ignition Woes
Ignition troubles aren’t atypical in pool heaters. If you have a heater that refuses to ignite, it can be a source of significant annoyance. You may be able to troubleshoot the situation by concentrating on a few things.
- Make sure that your heater is switched on and has the right temperature setting.
- Assess your pilot, too. If it isn’t on, then you need to change that.
- Check your pump. It has to have a basket and filter that’s impeccably clean.
- Look at your gas supply valve. If it’s not on, then you need to reverse that.
- Last but not least, evaluate your filter and plumbing valves. They have to be open; otherwise, they could interfere with the flow of water.
Difficulties in Appropriately Switching on Swimming Pool Heaters
It can be frustrating to have a pool heater that won’t switch on. Safety circuit difficulties are sometimes responsible for switching woes. If there are rollout sensor problems, pressure switches, or even high limits, you may discover that you have a heater that’s unable to switch on.
Perhaps your swimming pool heater switches on and operates well for a while. You may notice, though, that it turns itself off before getting to its set point. If that’s the case, then it’s time to assess. You may have an issue that with your mechanical bypass or thermal regulator, not uncommon in heating units of at least five years in age.
Think about your system at length, as there could be a component responsible for a significant flow drop. In many cases, spa jets with obstructions are behind these flow drops.
You may have a heater that switches on for an extremely brief duration, perhaps turning itself off practically immediately, too. Contemporary heaters have flame sensors. If gas refuses to ignite, then the associated valve may turn off for a little while. It may attempt to ignite after that. If problems with ignition persist, then it may enter “lockout mode.”
Some people have issues with heaters that successfully ignite for only brief seconds. It’s an issue that denotes a flame sensor that cannot detect any flames at all. A flame sensor that has this issue may be soiled, corroded, or even have an ignition control that can’t correctly evaluate its flame sensor signal.
Sensors and Heating Concerns
A pool heater that won’t heat anything can be a source of severe frustration. The pool heater may ignite but won’t reach the specified temperature, or perhaps not producing heat in any way. These circumstances aren’t at all atypical.
You might want to assess the sensor for temperatures. It’s critical to see to it that you’ve installed appropriately and that it’s in tiptop shape.
Take a look at the settings for your thermostat once more. It may be in your best interest to go for a slightly higher thermostat setting.
It’s also crucial to see that you’re using an appropriate swimming heater size for your pool’s size. Your current pool heater may not be big enough, which can lead to significant issues. It can be best to get a larger one. Bigger pool heaters may reduce the amount of time required to heat. If you are all about efficiency and anticipating problems, you may need a bigger heater in your life. Keeping pool heater problems at bay is wise.
Find the best experts of swimming pool heaters in the Jupiter area with Edwards Air. Contact us here!