Entries by access

Can an HVAC Duct Spread COVID-19 in Offices, Stores and Schools?

There’s something you use every day that could be spreading COVID-19 without a second thought to anyone. Your heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems could be the culprit. In large spaces like corporate buildings, schools, and grocery stores, the air could be spreading the virus through its vents. Moving Indoors Excessive heat forces people indoors. This […]

Is Air Conditioning Helping Spread COVID in the South?

Coronavirus, an infectious disease attacking one’s lungs, hinders your breathing process and leads to more breathing tract complications. In the South, there has been an upsurge in COVID cases day after day. The continuous record of new infections has contributed significantly to the global rise of the coronavirus. While there are many cases still on […]

A/C Repair During COVID-19

Finding a great AC repair company before the Coronavirus was tough. Finding on during and after it may be hard as well unless you have the right information. Most AC repair companies have remained open due to their essential business status, but safety is still definitely a concern. You will want to find a company […]

Making the Most Out of Your Residential Air Conditioning Unit

It’s essential to do what you can to make the most out of your home air conditioning unit. You shouldn’t ever take a careless or slapdash approach. There are many ways in which you can take full advantage of your cooling unit. Intelligent air conditioning system use can safeguard you from all sorts of inconveniences […]

The Intricacies of Ductless Air Conditioners

Ductless air conditioners are gaining significant traction nowadays. They differ from central air conditioners. The primary difference, of course, is that true to the name, ductless cooling units are devoid of ducts. They’re also completely free of central air handling units. If you’re currently exploring your choices in cooling systems, you should learn all that […]

Soiled Air Conditioners and Household Wellness

Is Your Air Conditioner Dirty? A dirty air conditioning system may not be as innocent as you think: it may have the ability to do a number on your precious family’s wellness. If you want your loved ones to breathe in fresh and untarnished air daily, then you should think about the cleanliness of your […]

Calculating the Right Size for an Air Conditioning Unit

What Size Air Conditioning Unit Does Your Home Need? Purchasing a new air conditioning unit for your home can be tough. You have to figure out which features are essential for your day-to-day lifestyle, and even which size category is right for you. Thankfully, determining optimal air conditioner size is as straightforward as relying on […]

Superior Residential Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency and Your Residence People nowadays are continually searching for ways to make their lives easier and lower their costs. If you want to decrease your monthly expenses dramatically, then you should think about leaping a more energy-efficient living space. There are lots of strategies on hand to improve energy efficiency. Swap Out Your […]