Air Conditioning maintenance
Air Conditioning maintenance

Indoor Air Quality Troubles and Your Filter

Air Quality Inside and Your Filter

Air quality is a big deal. If you want to revel in optimal wellness, then you need to do anything in your power to keep the air quality inside of your living space fresh and clean. There are many perks to strong air quality indoors as well. Some of these include sleeping more soundly at night, keeping humidity levels in check, healthy breathing patterns, decreased horrible smells and even doing away with pesky allergens. If the air quality inside of your residence is strong, it may even slash your monthly energy expenses considerably. It doesn’t matter if you want to say goodbye to allergens or save cash. Enhancing the air quality in your home should always be among your top priorities. That’s exactly why you should zero in on the state of your filter. If your air quality is amiss, then your filter could actually be responsible for things. Your filter may not be doing its job of making your air quality inside better.

Inadequate Flow

If you’re wondering why your air quality inside is lacking, then you should think about the possibility of inadequate flow. There are sometimes issues that relate to filter and dust sizing. This can lead to system pressure boosts. This, in turn, can decrease the flow of air dramatically. It’s also rather common for people to neglect the need to swap their filters out routinely. This can bring on lessened air flow and intense pressure.

Insufficient Runtime

The concept of insufficient runtime is rather shocking to many people. Filters are solely able to do their jobs when they have air that’s actually traveling within them. That means that turning systems completely off does away with any and all filtration, end of story. The solution, though, isn’t to go for a HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system that’s a lot more compact. This can lead to different issues altogether. Systems that are more compact can decrease the flow of air.

If you truly want to do away with the hassle of runtime that’s insufficient, then you need to make a point to meticulously assess all of your size necessities. Refrain from placing your fan in “on.” Your aim should be to boost your filtering factor substantially. Try to concentrate on mechanical ventilation and the sealing of air. Don’t panic if those strategies are fruitless, either. If they are, then it may be time for you to introduce the help of a fan that’s independent. Get one that’s equipped with a filter. These kinds of fans can give you the advantages of filtration volume that’s superior. Their running abilities are superior all the same.

Filter Positioning Woes

If there’s an issue with the air quality that’s inside of your home, then you should think at length about the specific location of your filter. That’s because it could be in a spot that’s totally inappropriate and ineffective. If a filter doesn’t take any action whatsoever, that means that it doesn’t have air that’s traveling within it. A filter that has this issue may have severe positioning woes. If you realize that your air quality inside is amiss in any manner, then you should investigate your filter’s spot without a second of hesitation.

Mechanical Ventilation Troubles

Mechanical ventilation is a vital element of a filter that does its job correctly day in and day out. Ventilation often aims to employ cooling and heating ducts for the purpose of spreading air from the outside around. It isn’t unheard of for HVAC contractors to sometimes err. An HVAC contractor may fail to concentrate and attach air ducts that are outside to inappropriate filter sections. This can bring on unpleasant results as well. It can cause air from the outside that isn’t filtered at all to go in the ducts. This can trigger the soiling of cooling and heating elements alike. It can trigger the soiling of the blower and the ducts as well.

Taking Action

You should go the extra mile to zero in on the status of your filter and HVAC system. It can be favorable to monitor your ducts. You need ducts that are 100 percent devoid of grime and debris buildup. Ducts that are free of these undesirable things can give your residence access to air that’s markedly fresher and more pleasant at all times.

Don’t forget to switch your filters out frequently. Doing so is particularly crucial for people who have issues with allergies.

Look at your doors and windows with great care. Do you spot leaks at all? If you do, then you need to take the time to close them up meticulously and prudently. If your residence permits the entry of air that’s just not cutting it, then you may have a system that’s actually causing you harm. It may actually transport problematic air all throughout your living space. If you make the effort to do away with any and all leaks, then you can see to it that your system exclusively spreads around air that’s fresh and conducive to optimal well-being.

Is Your Indoor Air Quality Lacking?

If your air quality indoors is lacking, then you may realize that easily. You may have allergies that act up all of the time. If you and your family members are constantly sneezing and getting splitting headaches, your air quality could be the issue. Contemplate the way that air spreads all throughout your home, too. If you pick up on certain sections of your home that are always strangely hot or cold, then your filter could be behind everything. If you want professional assistance with air quality, filters and beyond, then you need to call our trusted company today. Call us A.S.A.P. to set up an appointment with an HVAC contractor who is seasoned and adept.

Repairing air conditioner
Repairing air conditioner

Air Conditioning Maintenance Frequency

The Value of Maintaining Your Air Conditioning System

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems are just like all of the other components that make up your living space. They require routine care and maintenance work. If you want to keep your air conditioning unit at home in five-star shape, then you need to put in the necessary effort. Thankfully, you can do that by reaching out to our capable and experienced HVAC technicians. Air conditioning units that are ignored and not maintained properly tend to experience issues of all kinds. Breakdowns aren’t at all uncommon in air conditioning units that are routinely neglected. Neglected units may stop working entirely out of nowhere long before their expected “expiration dates.” Air conditioners typically remain effective for anywhere between 12 and 15 years in total, although this length of time varies. The better you maintain your cooling unit, the longer it should last you.

AC Maintenance and Frequency

If you want to keep your cooling system in A+ condition all year long, then you should make regular maintenance one of your biggest upkeep priorities. It can be wise to get professional maintenance service for your air conditioner a minimum of annually. People regularly make the choice to get their cooling units professionally assessed by technicians during the spring months, too. This makes complete sense. That’s because people tend to use their air conditioners heavily as soon as the summer months roll around.

A lot of different things go into air conditioner service. Professional technicians put a lot into maintenance sessions. They meticulously assess AC units for indications of possible issues. Once they do that, they thoroughly clean them. They make any and all essential tweaks and adjustments for optimal functioning as well.

There are many diverse components that are part of the comprehensive air conditioning maintenance process. Technicians replace old air filters. They sometimes make the decision to clean them, too. Indoor coil cleaning is a major aspect. Cleaning this coil can promote drainage that’s effective. It can strengthen the flow of air in a big way. This job is highly intricate and because of that is something that always calls for a professional touch, no exceptions.

Exterior coil cleaning work is just as critical. If you want your air conditioning system to work like a charm, then you need an outside coil that’s devoid of debris and other undesirable things. A squeaky-clean exterior coil is vital for keeping your appliance intact and strong for many years. It’s vital for general efficiency all the same.

Condensate pump cleaning is yet another key aspect of AC maintenance work. People occasionally make the mistake of dismissing these pumps. Ignoring these pumps can in some situations bring on troubling air conditioner breakdowns that can waste substantial amounts of time. If you don’t look after and clean your condensate pump, it may become a haven for nasty muck accumulation.

Technicians employ their eyes in order to meticulously evaluate air conditioning systems during maintenance sessions. They’re aware of clues that can denote issues big and small. There are so many advantages that are associated with routine and thorough air conditioning service. Getting air conditioner service can make your appliance a lot more reliable. If you don’t want to have to worry nonstop about possible summer breakdowns, then service can give you better peace of mind. There are few things in life that can be more irritating than an air conditioning unit that stops working on a dime in the middle of a hot afternoon in July or August.

Regular AC upkeep can also be a terrific thing for your pocketbook and finances. Technicians have the ability to pinpoint any and all issues that may be coming up. That’s how they’re able to safeguard people from experiencing air conditioning troubles in the first place. It doesn’t matter if you dread minimal airflow, leakage, annoyingly loud sounds or anything else. If you get routine maintenance work done on your unit, you might not ever have to deal with those things.

Maintenance can also significantly optimize the efficient of your cooling unit. Since it can make your cooling unit a lot more efficient, it can decrease your energy expenses dramatically, too. If you want to revel in the rewards of lower household expenses, then regular cooling maintenance can be a massive boon.

Replacing a cooling unit in full can cost a lot of money. That’s why most people do anything they can to avoid it. If you want your air conditioning unit to remain in excellent shape for as long as possible, then you need to make sure it gets sufficient maintenance work. If you maintain your cooling unit well, then you most likely won’t have to replace it for years and years. This can end up lowering your expenses substantially. It can be tough to have to save up to buy a brand new system for your home.

Indications That Your Cooling Unit Requires Prompt Service

Annual maintenance sessions are optimal for people who want to keep their cooling units in strong working order. It’s also imperative to be attentive to indications of existing cooling unit difficulties. If you notice anything out of the ordinary with your air conditioning unit, then you need to request professional repair work without delay. The sooner you do so, the better. Waiting around can in many situations exacerbate cooling troubles. That can make them markedly costlier to fix, too. If there’s anything amiss with your air conditioning unit, it may have airflow that’s remarkably feeble. It may make strange sounds at all times of the day. It may give off odors that are less than fresh and welcoming, too. If you have an air conditioner that’s in particularly big trouble, it may stop turning on.

Regular air conditioning service can keep all kinds of hassles out of your mind. It can keep your living space pleasant and airy, too.

Clean Air Conditioner
Clean Air Conditioner

How Keeping Your AC in Good Condition Can Avoid Health Issues

While most people associate health issues and discomfort with the colder months of the year, the summer season is not without its fair share of sickness-causing problems. As the temperature rises, air conditioners go to full blast, turning offices, homes, and public spaces into havens where you can stay cool in the summer heat. Despite the joys of being in a climate-controlled space, it’s not uncommon for people to suffer sinus issues, headaches, and even asthma-related problems.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not your AC that’s causing those complications. In fact, cool air can be quite beneficial if you suffer from respiratory problems. That uncomfortable feeling that some people associate with their air conditioner may actually be caused by poor maintenance and pre-existing dangers within the building.

Air conditioners are engineered to make your home more comfortable and safe to be in. However, they can’t their job if they’re not adequately maintained. Here’s some crucial information on how AC units can affect your health and some useful tips on how you can take advantage of AC services to avoid problems.

Common Symptoms of “Air Conditioner Sickness”

For the most part, the idea of “air conditioner sickness,” is just an old wives tale. In the early days of modern climate control systems, many people believed that the cold these machines produced were causing a unique illness. You may have heard your grandparents provide warnings against staying in a cool room for too long. While that concept has long been debunked, there is a small grain of truth to it.

If you spend your entire day cooped up in an air-conditioned building, you may start to develop some uncomfortable symptoms. These could include:

  • A stuffed nose
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Coughing
  • Headaches

So why do these problems occur? Well, it’s a good idea to examine your AC as well as your building.

Blame it on Mold and Bacteria

Mold and bacteria are a very real threat that can affect your well-being. To make matters worse, mold can go undetected for many months or years. In the meantime, you’re breathing it in on a daily basis. Furthermore, mold and bacteria will spread the longer it’s ignored.

In most cases of “air conditioner sickness,” mold is the culprit. Air conditioners are designed to circulate air throughout the home. Unfortunately, this process can make mold and bacteria airborne, bringing it to parts of your home it doesn’t normally access.

To avoid health issues, it’s important to take care of mold at its source. AC units can keep your home dry, but they won’t tackle the root cause of mold or eliminate any existing issues. Mold and bacteria typically accumulate in the following areas:

  • Underneath sinks
  • Basements, attics, and crawl spaces
  • Below leaking pipes
  • Around appliance hookups
  • Within faulty HVAC ducts
  • On AC coils and drain lines
  • In potted plants

Preventing Asthma Issues

Asthma suffers need to be extra vigilant with air conditioning service appointments. There are many things that could trigger allergies and cause attacks. While there are accessories and equipment that are specially made to filter air and avoid asthma-related complications, triggers can still find their way in.

Filters aren’t effective unless they’re clean and properly installed. If not, those allergens are free to circulate your home. To avoid being affected by common triggers, you can utilize professional AC services to:

  • Clean or replace air filters
  • Remove mold from AC system
  • Take care of condensation leaks

Air Conditioners and Sinus Problems

Another issue that’s commonly associated with air conditioning is irritated sinuses. It’s true that staying in cold environments can result in runny noses and clogged sinuses. However, it’s not the AC itself that’s causing the problem.

ACs work to remove humidity from your home, resulting in cool dry air. If you have your unit on the coldest setting possible, you’re creating a very dry environment that’s not good for your body. In an extremely dry setting, the moist lining in your nose evaporates. Without that lining, your more susceptible to the effects of bacterial infections and mold.

It’s always best to keep your air conditioner at a moderate setting. If you start to experience sinus discomfort, consider raising the temperature a few degrees to introduce a bit more moisture into the air. Also, get assistance from air conditioning service professionals. Clogged sinuses are a tell-tale sign that you have mold in your home.

In addition to spreading it around your home, air conditioning units can be a source of mold all on their own. As air passes over the coils in the system, condensation is produced. Usually, the moisture is drained out of a dedicated line without a problem. However, leaks can occur. A service professional will be able to diagnose a leak and find a solution to prevent mold from growing.

Regular Maintenance is Key to Staying Healthy

Overall, a poorly maintained air conditioner unit is to blame for many of the health issues that people face when they’re cooling off during the summer. While the air conditioner is not causing those problems directly, they may be making it easier to pre-existing problems to affect your well-being.

An air conditioning service company can help you avoid these issues. Professionals can take a look at your HVAC system and face potential concerns head-on. With regular maintenance appointments, you can catch potential sickness-causing dilemmas before they become a bigger hazard. Among many other things, AC experts can take care of:

  • Dirty air filters
  • Faulty condensation lines
  • Dirty coils
  • Refrigerant leaks

It’s recommended that you have your AC examined at least once a year. Having the system inspected and tested before the summer season starts will ensure that your home or office building is safe and comfortable to be in. Contact your local HVAC professional to schedule your maintenance appointment today.

Breathing fresh air
Breathing fresh air

Removing Household Odors with an Air Purifier

Our homes can be filled with smells, both good and bad. The flowers that smelled so lovely when they were first placed in a vase begin to wilt and smell of rot. The odor of the delicious fish dinner is less appetizing when it lingers in the kitchen in the morning. Strong odors can affect your quality of life. If you are sensitive to smells, they can trigger nausea and other allergic reactions. Installing an air purification system can get rid of the chemicals that cause the odors.

Why Indoor Air Quality Matters

When most homeowners think about air quality, they think about temperature and humidity. Yet there are all sorts of irritants that can float around in your air. On a sunny day, you might be able to see dust and dander floating in a sunbeam. There can also be mold spores and pollen.

There are also impurities that you cannot see. Bacteria and viruses can float in the air. Small droplets of cleaning products and aerosol products linger after use.

Another important group of irritants are volatile organic compounds or VOCs. These are molecules from several sources that can get in your air supply. Microscopic droplets of oil can float around after preparing fried food. As plastics, paints and adhesives breakdown over time, they also release chemicals into the air.

If indoor air quality issues are not addressed, it can lead to health problems:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Respiratory issues

Where Do Odors Come From?

Your nose is a powerful tool. It can discern thousands of unique smells. Most of the odors you smell are the result of VOCs that come into contact with the smell receptors in your nose. Whether it is a smell of fresh-baked bread or cigarette smoke, it is the result of a molecule that has been floating in your air.

One of the problems many homeowners face is the fact that human beings tend to get used to common smells. If it is always present, you may not recognize a bad odor. However, the guest coming into your home will be surprised.

There are some simple solutions to dealing with temporary odors. Whenever possible, you should try to remove the source of the odor.

  • Store trash outside the house.
  • Open windows in the kitchen for fresh air when cooking.
  • Keep cigarette smoking outside.
  • Address mold and mildew quickly.

Professional Solutions for Odor Removal

It is often tempting to try covering up unpleasant odors with air fresheners or scented candles. These can help for a minor odor problem, but they are only replacing one set of VOCs with a stronger smelling set of VOCs. To permanently remove odors, you must get the chemical signatures out of the air. This is where filters and air purifiers come into play.

There are several systems that can help improve air quality and remove odor. These are usually installed in the ductwork of your climate control systems. As air travels through the ducts, it is forced to flow through the air purification system. Small, portable units can be used to improve the air in a single room.

  • HEPA filters
  • Activated charcoal purifiers
  • Charged media filters
  • Electrostatic precipitators
  • Photo Electrochemical Oxidation Purifiers

HEPA Filters

HEPA filters are especially effective at removing small irritants from the air. A true HEPA filter can remove almost all the particles that are larger than 0.3 microns. To put this in a perspective, a small grain of sand is about 50 microns in size. While this sounds like it should handle most of your home’s particle problems, viruses, bacteria and VOCs are all smaller than 0.3 microns.

HEPA filters can be an important part of an air quality system. They can remove several common irritants and their associated smells from the air.

  • Pet dander
  • Dust
  • Ash
  • Pollen

Activated Charcoal Purifiers

Activated charcoal has long been a way to remove toxins. This substance was once considered a cure-all for poisons. Some people still use it as a natural remedy.

This form of carbon has been especially heated so that it is more porous than normal charcoal. Chemically, it has a slightly negative charge and so attracts many compounds as they float through the air. This means that it can remove VOCs from the atmosphere, which will remove odors from your air.

There are some things to consider when using this system:

  • The amount of charcoal in the filter increases its lifespan.
  • The carbon slowly gets saturated and needs replacement.
  • UV-light combined with activated charcoal can remove chemicals and kill viruses and bacteria.

Charged Media Filters and Electrostatic Precipitators

Another style of purification system involves using electrostatic energy to trap particles. A charged media filter uses electrostatically charged fibers to trap particles that are smaller than 0.1 micron. This will handle many impurities, like cigarette smoke. However, most VOCs are still much smaller than this very small size.

An electrostatic precipitator relies completely on the power of an electric charge to remove impurities. The air passes through a series of charged metal plates. Fine particles are attracted by the electrostatic charge and stick to the plates. The plates need to be removed and cleaned periodically. However, there is no filter to replace.